Lisa Shearin

 Lisa Shearin 's Books

A very well recieved series by Lisa Shearin are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Magic Lost, Trouble Found, Armed & Magical, The Entity Game: An Aurora Donati Novel, The Grendel Affair, Con & Conjure, Bewitched & Betrayed, The Phoenix Illusion, All Spell Breaks Loose, Armed & Magical rb-2, Wild Card, Ruins and Revenge, Treasure and Treason, Wedding Bells, Magic Spells, The Dragon Conspiracy, Magic Lost,Trouble Found, Con & Conjure rb-5, The Trouble With Demons rb-3, The Brimstone Deception, Bewitched & Betrayed rb-4, The Myth Manifestation, Magic Lost, Trouble Found rb-1, The Ghoul Vendetta, which was published in 2022.